Category: Listacular

  • 2012 Brewing Plans

    I was goofing around in Microsoft Project the other evening and decided to map out my various beers and meads that I was hoping to make. Given the limited amount of space that I have for fermentation in my apartment, I wanted to plan things out and determine how many 5 gallon glass carboy secondary…

  • 2012 Goals

    2011 was a decent year. I ran my first 5K and 10K, biked 100km for the first time in a couple of years, and got quite a bit better at soccer. I made my first batch of mead and capped the year yesterday with a bottling party at my friend’s place. We bottled 4 growlers…

  • MCITP: Enterprise Admin

    The one lousy thing about a job in the IT field is that things are always changing. Microsoft (when they have it together) puts out a new client and server OS every 3 years or so, and that means that IT folks have to stay current. Instead of going back to school, they get re-certified.…

  • Running, biking, and what’s next

    I figured I would start working on a list of events I was planning on participating in this summer as I work towards my goal of running 50K for Runfos. I’ll work on the list as the summer stretches on. June Panther Prowl (5K) Zeeland Zoom (5K) July Lakeshore Miracle Run (10K) August Oshtemo Sunburst…

  • Movies I need to get caught up on

    The following is a brief list (I promise, it’ll get bigger) of movies that I should probably have seen by now but have not. Prepare to suspend any expectations you may have about the movies I’ve seen or haven’t seen. The Big Lebowski Up in the Air Fight Club Boondock Saints Batman Begins The Net…

  • While I was out…

    This is probably going to serve as some kind of meta-post. What will follow will be a series of fully detailed posts I’ve been meaning to deliver over the last few days and haven’t gotten to yet. Read on, click on, or simply ignore for a day. What have I been up to lately? Office…

  • Culinary to-do list: 2011 version

    It’s entirely possible that I will update this list throughout the year, but I thought I would keep a list of the things I’d like to either re-learn how to make or learn, period. Some of these are things that my mom makes, and some of them are things that I’ve seen and want to…