Tag: runfos

  • Runfos, freaky January weather-style

    This week’s weather has been a little nuts. Tuesday, I did some interval training downtown. It was 50 degrees outside. I decided to head west, away from the main loop and all of its stoplights and traffic, and headed down to Kollen Park to run along the boardwalk. I’d watch people do it all the…

  • Lakeshore Miracle Run

    Today I tackled the second run on my summer list (I had a soccer game the night of the Zeeland Zoom…at the same time as the game): the Lakeshore Miracle 10K. This was the second 10K I had ever run, and it was definitely a learning experience. My overall time for the run was somewhere…

  • 25:11

    This morning was the Panther Prowl 5K. It was a pretty small run/walk, smaller probably than the St. Patty’s Day 5K I did back in March, but I had chosen to run this one as part of my 50K goal for Runfos partly because of the distance (I don’t need to train a ton to…

  • Running, biking, and what’s next

    I figured I would start working on a list of events I was planning on participating in this summer as I work towards my goal of running 50K for Runfos. I’ll work on the list as the summer stretches on. June Panther Prowl (5K) Zeeland Zoom (5K) July Lakeshore Miracle Run (10K) August Oshtemo Sunburst…

  • 10K

    Way back in February when I first started hearing about Runfos and it was mentioned that one of our big goals for the next few months was to participate in the River Bank Run in May, I was a bit daunted. Doing a quarter mile at an 11:30 pace was a challenge. How I was…

  • Back on the run

    Yesterday I ran for the first time in a week, and for the first time since the infamous Carfos incident from a couple months ago, I went back to the beach of doom. The snow had melted away by now (believe it or not, there are still some sizeable piles of dirt and snow around…

  • First 5K

    Yesterday was St. Patty’s Day, which for many people my age, it was the one day a year you can roll out of bed, crack a Guinness, and then blow off class. Or call a sick day. That’s the thing about graduating and becoming an adult: you have to be responsible and go to work.…

  • Runfos and Carfos

    I’ve been getting into the whole running thing a bit lately and last night I decided to take a chance and go on a run with a friend. I hadn’t gone for a run in a couple of years now, and I had never attempted a 3 mile run before; I figured that since I…