Tag: out of shape

  • A record month

    The month of March has been a big one for me. Despite getting sick (again) earlier this month with the same thing I had the week prior to my trip to California, I managed to shatter a few records: – Most active month on RunKeeper (21+ workouts) – Best running month ever (42.1 miles) –…

  • Runfos, freaky January weather-style

    This week’s weather has been a little nuts. Tuesday, I did some interval training downtown. It was 50 degrees outside. I decided to head west, away from the main loop and all of its stoplights and traffic, and headed down to Kollen Park to run along the boardwalk. I’d watch people do it all the…

  • ’twas the week before Christmas

    Coming back from a vacation can always be a bit of a rough adjustment. Previously, I’d wrap four days off around a weekend to create six days off between two three-day weeks, which seemed to help, but last week I went for the full week off, which made coming back this week a little rough.…

  • Spinning the wheels

    So, no progress on the efforts to restore a sense of balance. Last week was basically a train wreck for me. It wasn’t pretty. So we try again. I have better hopes for this next week, largely because I have every intention of getting to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. I’ll need to, since…

  • Loving this weather

    The weather for this last week has been spectacular. Highs in the 70s, lows in the 50s, cloudless skies. Naturally, I spent the entire time indoors, working, but I was delighted to check the weather tonight and find this: Unfortunately, I’m taking a few days off (aka Fall Break) starting on Thursday, so the timing…

  • Good news/bad news

    Tonight was our last outdoor game for the season against the Rangers. For the 99% of you who have no idea who they are, they’re the soccer team that keep flipping back and forth between the lower division (which we’re at the bottom of) and the upper division (which we don’t even want to comprehend…

  • Plan C

    The conclusion to my summer running goals was supposed to be the Park 2 Park half marathon, which is this Saturday. About a month ago I realized I was desperately not ready and set out an aggressive training plan. When a friend suggested the next day that such a plan might kill/cripple me, I came…

  • Lakeshore Miracle Run

    Today I tackled the second run on my summer list (I had a soccer game the night of the Zeeland Zoom…at the same time as the game): the Lakeshore Miracle 10K. This was the second 10K I had ever run, and it was definitely a learning experience. My overall time for the run was somewhere…

  • 25:11

    This morning was the Panther Prowl 5K. It was a pretty small run/walk, smaller probably than the St. Patty’s Day 5K I did back in March, but I had chosen to run this one as part of my 50K goal for Runfos partly because of the distance (I don’t need to train a ton to…

  • Running, biking, and what’s next

    I figured I would start working on a list of events I was planning on participating in this summer as I work towards my goal of running 50K for Runfos. I’ll work on the list as the summer stretches on. June Panther Prowl (5K) Zeeland Zoom (5K) July Lakeshore Miracle Run (10K) August Oshtemo Sunburst…