• Christening the Le Creuset

    Last week I got my Le Creuset and resolved to break it in soon, which I was able to do tonight when I made scalloped potatoes with some leftover ham from Easter last year that’s been sitting in my freezer for the last nine months. Tasty. I basically began with the recipe in my Better…

  • My big empty deck

    My deck now sits empty, thanks to the new rules regarding grills and the snow, but fear not. I have a plan to return it to it’s previous state of awesome. I didn’t do a whole lot with the deck this summer because it was still a work in progress. I realize it can be…

  • Update: EqualLogic Madness

    I had written a couple of weeks ago about some EqualLogic madness I was experiencing with a PS4000 array that we had installed for a customer earlier this year. Because they needed additional performance and capacity, the customer got an additional array, and once we had that in the group we were able to evacuate…

  • I should have resolved to bowl 100+ this year.

    That way, I could cross something off my list of goals for 2011 on day 4 of the new year. Given that I’ve been bowling in the upper 90s for a week or two now though, that’s not much of a goal. It’s about as challenging as “get in to work on time this year”…occasionally…

  • Activites I have latent skills in

    Soccer Ultimate Frisbee Dodgeball Underwater basket weaving? (I’ve never tried) Malware detection and removal (in most cases) I suppose that’s why we practice these things. Including running. My showdown with the treadmill was this morning, and I managed to hit my goal. I did two quarter-mile “laps” at a reasonable pace (read: brisk jog), then…

  • I swore I was going to do my own paint job on this blog…

    And I still will. But it’s taking longer than anticipated to get it taken care of, and I got really tired of the really bland looking theme, so you all get something tasty for now. Someday. Soon. There will be a built-from-scratch theme. Promise.

  • …and there you have it, folks.

    You’ve squashed another three-day weekend listening to Car Talk. Or something like that. Regrettably, none of the weekend was spent listening to Car Talk, although now that they have it in podcast form, I might have to listen to it while I am rebuilding a bunch of virtual servers tomorrow. Instead, there was the previously…

  • 2011: now with that fresh, new year smell!

    I had originally planned on doing a couple of posts somewhere between last Thursday’s meatfest and today, but the last week’s been kind of crazy. Because I’m lazy and don’t feel like duplicating efforts, I have decided that my Christmas shall be documented in picture form. Easier on the eyes, and easier on my fingers.…

  • Puppies and Meatfest

    To those of you who have been clamoring for pictures to liven up the blog, consider your needs met. This post contains approximately 3 times more pictures than the rest of this entire blog put together. Last night I began the simultaneously sad and awesome process of retiring my grill. For my birthday I had…

  • EqualLogic Madness

    Over the last year or so, we’ve had the chance to play with Dell’s EqualLogic line of SAN arrays. We’ve sold a few to some customers, and as far as I’m concerned, the way those things operate are 10% logic and 90% magic. A couple of the guys from the office have gotten some formal…

Got any book recommendations?