Detox, Day 4: 17 to go

It’s not entirely accurate to say that I’m in countdown mode yet, and I blame this partly on the leftover fatigue borne from a failed attempt at creamy mashed cauliflower (was neither creamy nor particularly well mashed, and overly coconutty), but I’m finding myself itching to break out of the self-imposed confines of the detox plan. I may seek recipes for week 2 from the Internet (I now almost regret mocking Pinterest users. Almost.) in order to find enough variety beyond the breakfast full of eggs/dinner full of meat options. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for meat. Vegetarian October was kinda rough on me, but I’d like to think there’s more I can do than zucchini “pasta” and full-fat protein, which I’d rather stay away from.

Today is significant, though, not because I tired of eating leftovers, or because I got to participate in a legitimate business lunch with a legitimate client (a former employer, no less) and managed to satisfy myself with a Caesar salad. No, today is significant because for the first time in over six months I had the proper combination of sunshine, warmth, ambition, and intact bones to go for a walk after getting home and having some dinner. It was pleasant, at least as pleasant as walking the sidewalk next to a major 4-lane road can be. I was also scoping things out for a possible run this weekend, and after seeing the sheer volume of loose gravel that the plows moved from the roads to the (now melted) snowbanks over the winter, I can say that there is no way I’ll be running on that until it’s cleared. The only thing I could think of that’s worse than slipping, falling, and breaking your leg on astroturf would be slipping, falling, and getting a pound of gravel embedded in your leg.

Here were are, though, on day 4 of the detox. So far I haven’t really experienced any of the symptoms I was warned about. I’m fatigued, yes, but I’m usually pretty worn out from work by the end of the day, especially after coming off of a 4-day weekend. Headaches have been staved off through the consumption of coffee, although I’m trying to avoid drinking it all morning long when I’m in the office, and my stomach remains happily calm. I think I might have experienced a bout of low blood sugar this morning as we got closer to lunch, but I honestly couldn’t say one way or the other. I will admit to some rather powerful cravings, though, specifically in the form of Diet Coke and Oberon. Bright, sunny April days like this cry out for an Oberon.

Finally, speaking of bright, sunny April days, tomorrow we have a Winter Weather Advisory from 6 until 5. Because, like the fabled winters of Westeros, this one is going into overtime.






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