Detox, Day 2: All Quiet

I’ve decided to blog the process of going through the sugar detox that I started yesterday. I won’t necessarily be updating it on a daily basis, but periodic updates for the benefit of the Googlebots and my maybe 3 readers are forthcoming.

When I was doing the ahead of time reading for the detox, I was a little put off by the list of possible side effects (that would dissipate once your body cleared all the crap out): headaches, mood swings, flu-like symptoms, gastric distress, acne breakouts, etc. Not really something to look forward to. Fortunately, I discovered that coffee is actually allowed during the detox, so I celebrated this morning with some French press dark roast and a little half and half (why whole milk, half and half, and cream is allowed but 1/2% milk, which I prefer, isn’t, I’m not sure) after breakfast.

So far, no major symptoms, other than a deep longing for Diet Coke, which is at least partly the manifestation of a desire to drink something carbonated. I’ve been doing water with lemon and a little cinnamon, which has been good enough, but something fizzy just sounds good.

The one thing I wasn’t really counting on, however, was the amount of time I’d wind up spending in the kitchen. I spent a good chunk of yesterday and a few hours today in the kitchen either making something or cleaning up afterwards. Maybe I’ve just been stuck in familiar ruts with foods that were mostly one-pan or crock-pot based, but I don’t recall going on such a marathon cooking spree. The upside is that I’ve got food for the week now. I’m down to one free container for food, and the rest is stuffed into the fridge in one form or another. I’m looking forward to packing containers for lunch and walking out the door (which isn’t necessarily a new thing for me) and coming home to a selection of leftovers, which should also be nice. It’s probably just a side effect of trying something new with nearly every new meal in the last two days (5 new recipes in two days is a lot of exploring for me).

Tomorrow I’m headed back to work after 4 days off. It’ll be interesting to see how things fare when I’ve got an alarm and the stress that comes with work. At least I won’t have to worry about cooking anything when I get home.






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