Well, we still lost.

But not because I was on goal, because I wasn’t. We got someone else from the Rangers to sub in for us, and it went pretty well. Instead of a blowout game we lost by a more reasonable score (8-4), and while we kind of gave away the first five points, we made them work for that win. I’m just bummed that we only have one game left, but apparently we might renew for another season. So there might be more soccer in my future.

Also made this year’s batch of Christmas cookies. The fact that it was only one batch of cookies seems inherently inadequate, but that’s mostly because my mom always made no fewer than five kinds of Christmas treats. All I’m going to manage this year are spritz. Good? Yes. But I was shooting for something along the lines of spritz, peanut brittle, peppermint pinwheels, and maybe some revel bars. You know, enough stuff to fill a cookie platter with.

Some day. Perhaps when I have a kitchen large enough to accommodate such a baking extravaganza, and enough people to help me eat it.

Tomorrow I have a presentation at work for a customer. It’s something I could do in my sleep at this point, but I should probably put together some kind of PowerPoint presentation. I feel like I’m in college and I’m waiting until the last possible moment to finish a paper. Except that instead of an A, I’d be looking at selling a phone system. And since I’ve put off the finishing touches about as much as I can, I should probably get on with it…






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