Perhaps I work too much…

…or just dedicate too much time to not working.  Probably depends on your point of view.  I was going to post something that gave the world a slightly better notion of who I am, but it occurs to me that most everybody who reads this thing already knows me, which means I can probably wait a bit longer without depriving anybody of a more complete understanding of who I am.

Long-winded excuses for delayed posts aside, I would just like to say this:

I hate Windows Vista.

I realize, I am certainly not the first person to say this.  And I probably should have arrived at this conclusion years ago, especially considering that I work as a support technician at an IT consulting and support firm and it’s my job to fix people’s computers.  I probably should have deduced by the incredibly small number of Windows Vista PCs we support almost three years after Vista’s launch that the operating system did not go over well.  But I’ve been living in what could be called a Windows XP Reality Distortion Field, and as far as I have been concerned, there was Windows XP for a really, really long time, and now there’s Windows 7.  In between was just a period where Apple grabbed a moderate amount of market share among my demographic.

But today, I got to deal with Windows Vista systems, and I have to say, I really hate Windows Vista.  It’s really, really slow.  Part of the problem is that I was working on either a budget desktop or a pair of underpowered tablet laptops, and none of those machines can really handle Vista, but when you get done with your day and all you can say you did was run Windows Update seven million times, that’s not really a good sign.  Vista feels slow, clunky, and difficult to maneuver; it’s like trying to drive a truck instead of something far sexier, like a Mark IV Jetta.

However, today was not a total loss.  I discovered a not-so-secret cache of broken down cardboard boxes, which is a huge win for me because all of our other empty boxes at the office that I would normally pilfer for moving purposes have gone AWOL.  So I figure I’m probably set for boxes for now.  Reserved the van for IKEA Day, next Friday, and am especially looking forward to that, because I will finally have something to put the rest of my things on/in.  I’ve lived in furnished apartments the last two years and as a result, the biggest piece of furniture I have is a homemade TV stand that has been repurposed as some kind of nightstand/tech box of sorts.  It’s making this whole moving process very drawn out.






2 responses to “Perhaps I work too much…”

  1. Matt Scott Avatar

    You should have tagged this as Jetta well. Don’t you have a Jetta tag?

  2. Joe Harder Avatar
    Joe Harder

    I could always make one…

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