Category: Ruminations

  • Diminished mobility and a soccer hiaitus

    Last Saturday night I did something to my knee. I’m not entirely sure what. The best explanation is probably a hyper-extension of the knee; imagine missing a step walking down a flight of stairs, only in mid-stride. I hit turf that was 3″ lower than the cement sidewalk I was expecting, and my knee snapped…

  • An outdoor season ended.

    Tonight was A-TEAM’s last game outdoors until next spring. It seems odd that we should bring the season to a close already, but on the other hand, the timing feels right. Tonight’s game felt like it was played in a perpetual twilight, as if we were playing on borrowed time. The outdoor season is always…

  • On working 6-3

    On Monday I started working an adjusted schedule. Instead of showing up at 8 and working until 5 like most salaried people in a professional services industry, I began working 6-3. Apparently my history/habit of showing up some time between 7 and 7:30 made me a candidate for the early shift. Four days in, I’m…

  • 10Ks and kitchen misadventures

    Yesterday was the second time I took a crack at at the Lakeshore Miracle Run 10K. As I mentioned after running it last year, it’s a hard 10K. I had forgotten just how long a climb up that dune it really is, and with not training at all for this run, I’m just glad to…

  • An Eventful Weekend (warning: includes Minestrone)

    I’m working late on a two-day week (yes, if you use a couple of days of PTO to plug the gap between a national holiday on a Wednesday and the weekend, you can make a nifty little two-day work week for yourself) waiting on a virtual machine to finish converting, so I thought I’d post…

  • 25K

    A year ago this weekend I ran my first 10K at the Fifth Third River Bank Run. I had concluded at the end of the race that I was going to do the 25K this year, and I used the memories of that run to motivate me all the way until the point I crossed…

  • Dry Lent: 40 down, 6 to go.

    First of all, at some point we collectively forgot how to count. Lent is not 40 days. It’s 46. You might be able to stretch that a bit and not count Holy Week (Palm Sunday – Easter Sunday), but nobody ends the Lenten sacrifice on Palm Sunday. It ends a week after that. Thus, here…

  • California Adventure: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

    I woke up Thursday morning to discover that my flight from Chicago to Grand Rapids had been canceled 12 hours early, and United had automatically rebooked me for a flight on Friday morning…at 5am. Ignoring the “I don’t want to” aspect of getting up early enough to get there, this was an impossible situation. The…

  • California Adventure: Wednesday

    Wednesday was Day 1 of the Dry Lent, and (supposedly) my last day in town. My friend had to work and go to a few classes, so I was left to wander. We made plans to do dinner in San Francisco, so I decided to head out there early and wander around a bit. Prior…

  • California Adventure: Tuesday

    I had previously blogged about some of Tuesday’s major adventures, so rather than rehash it all again I’ll just summarize: Tuesday my friend had class and work, so around 1 I decided to head downtown in search of a local sushi place. The result: Party Sushi. Following the California and Bomb rolls, I moved on…